
I've seen 2 coupes and 1 HPE from Hungary in a Beta registry (
http://www.betasportmodels.net/registro.htm ) but it's very-very rare by us. There are only 1-2 pcs of Montecarlos, 10-20 HPE-s and maximum 5-10 coupes - I guess.. I drove it only one time in my town 2 days ago - but many people looked back on the streets..
In Hungary <'90 people could buy only East-European cars, so the West-European cars -produced in the '70s-'80s- were imported generally as second hand cars - mainly from Switzerland and Austria and Italy. There are many Lancias here but mainly Delta-Dedra-Kappa-Y and other younger models. My Y10 is originally imported from Switzterland , my Beta coupe is from Holland.. You can also see some donors here - for example nowadays a HPE and a coupe Volumex:
http://www.autoalkatresz.hu/auto-bontott_jarmu/jarmu_bontasra/lancia_beta_volumex_hpe_coupe_bontott_jarmu-147719 My Y10 Missoni is used by my wife for driving to work, so it was not a real hobby car restoration with high budget (I restored it myself) - it is used every day because of its ~5-liter-consuption. I have bought it for 160EUR, and have spent ~ 1000EUR for changing most of the parts..
So the questions

-The drapes of the seats seems to be raunchy, and I want to have rather leather seats. Is the pattern and, sewing and form the same by the leather and non-leather seats? So can I take it simply to an upholsterer, or do I need a used leather seat-set as donor? - If I want to have original look leather seats.. I would like to have the local oldtimer qualification, so that's why it is important for me..
- Were leather seats also for 1300 basic model (in'81) orderable? And also black and beige for red cars??
- Can I find the color code somewhere on the car body?
- Do the different engine versions have the same radiator? -Unfortunately I need to buy another one

Today I was lucky, so I could get some spare parts from one of my friends
