1. lanciamad - Marcus - HPE
2. Derek - HPE
3. Theo - Trevi
4. Stuart - Spider (or 406 Coupe depending on progress...)5. TreviDash - βeta Berlina serie tre
6. Matt - Coupe
7. Tony - Lancia Beta Prisma
8. Mark W - HPE (if ready)
9. Jonathon - Coupe
10. Andy C - Beta Berlina 2000ES
11. Miles - Spider
12. Steven / Amanda - Spyder
13. John B - Coupe
14. Tony Field - Trevi (Possibly)
15. Mike - Spyder
16. Marcus H - Gamma Coupe (Possibly)
17. Dave - Integrale
As you've already driven the road/s Theo, can I leave it upto you to suggest which route we should take? I've been working on both HPE's this week to get them running for the meet. Mine's not got all wiring and bracketery where it should and my dads is running but idleing at 1500rpm due to a sticky linkage it seems, never the less both will be there..... hopefully. See you guys tomorrow