Hello, all, especially Nigel, John and HFStuart, and your moderator / admin person who kindly admitted me to your forum.
I finally had my DATA 34 jetted and tuned and now it’s working a treat.
Both the idles and primaries were replaced with bigger items, as suits my particular cam profile etc.
If anyone needs to know the exact specs, please email me on alastair.watson1463@gmail.com (I won’t post them here, seeing it’s a Lancia forum and my 128’s specs are fairly individual).
The big one for me - the main reason I sought your collective advice - was to locate the missing-in-action mixture screw, which the Weber specialist mechanic showed me on the passenger side* of the carby, at the rear. It wasn’t capped; the screw was just well hidden.
The location is probably best shown in the attached photos, with the screw having been indicated in the close pic with the pointer.
I hope this may be of assistance to someone, at sometime, on this forum.
Thanks again for your generous assistance.
*I’m Australian; we drive on the same side of the road as you do in the UK.