The petrol flap saga continues. And I still need one.
No 1 came with the car but was corroded beyond use. I threw it away but it's possible it's still laying on the floor at the bodyshop so I'm going to see if it's still there tomorrow. Might be usable as a pattern...
No 2 came from Greece via eBay and was a new old stock one. It's painted but when we tried to fit it the aperture was bigger than the flap, especially noticeable in the corners.
No 3 came from Felix in South Africa. Parts catalogue said it's suitable but there was a mix up in picking it and it turns out to be the twin of No 2. It's now back in SA.
No 4 was on a Beta Spider with Jim in Farnborough. Right shape but had rot and the hinge mechanism differs to the coupe. So it stayed on the Spider.
No 5 is still on a Beta Coupe at Jims, a HiFi that isn't for breaking. And is the right shape.
No 6 came from Mark. Same shape as No 2 and 3. Oh FFS!
No 7 may come from Mirco Andries in Italy. I've seen a piccy it might be correct. But I'm not sure.
No 8 may also come from Felix once he's compared it to the one I returned and, if the shape differs, I'll have that even if the hinge arrangement is wrong. I can cobble something together from the parts I'll have sometime soon. I hope.