Hi All,
Alex here. Thank you for your kind comments - I will be sure to check back on here daily from now on!
So I have a few details to add as I have now met Martin the owner of The Peacock. We have 5 rooms reserved for the Betameeta Bank Holiday weekend although I think there will be more available if needed - we are fortunate to be in close proximity to some other really nice accommodation too in case the Peacock gets full. The great news is we have reserved separate paddock to the side of the Peacock Hotel for Beta Priority Parking - although other Lancia's are very welcome to use it too (I just hope it will be dry!) The very loose itinerary is as follows,
Friday - Late afternoon / Early Evening Birds Arrivals and Dinner @ The Peacock (I will book a table when numbers are confirmed)
Saturday - Main Event - details to follow, but expect some great roads, scenery, nice lunch stop and a place of interest, plenty of opportunity to chat too!
Sunday - Smaller event / drive out and close.
The comments about the Lancia Garage in Bledlow are interesting. There is a beautiful white Gamma Berlina that lives not too far from me. I happened to notice it said "Bledlow Garage" at the bottom of its numberplate and I checked an old dealer network book and sure enough the garage was there as an official Lancia dealer! Sadly all long gone when I first moved to the area in 1992 - it had become a Honda lawnmower outlet known as Risboro' Turf. It is now known as Risborough Service Centre and Platinum Autos and is ironically where I now take my Golf for its MOT!
I will reply all the unanswered comments / queries below:
Gerard - Wow! I loved the video - I recognise the some of the roads there very well and this area may well feature in the big drive out! Looking forward to finally meeting your Beta who two friends have spotted and sent pictures to me!
Peter - Look forward to seeing you there - you'll notice the Chinnor especially has changed quite a bit in recent years
Chris - Sorry to read that you can't join us this year - I am looking forward to seeing the photo's from the LMC trackday as I sadly can't make that. It would be great if you get the opportunity to let other Beta owners know but more importantly have fun thrashing your coupe on the track!
Everybody else - look forward to seeing you there and most importantly - spread the word - I would really love to get at least one of every type of Beta together