« Reply #80 on: August 02, 2021, 08:27:39 PM » |
Hi Stuart, The tipo box was quite different to the Beta. There seemed to be an evolution of gearboxes through Thema, delta, Fiat coupe, tipo etc but other than some bearings and internal dimension similarities, I’m not aware of any of these gearboxes being closely related to the Beta to share the hard to find parts. I hope I’m wrong and we can find a good source of a available parts. I’ve just completed a rebuild on my i.e. gearbox running in my Berlina after searching for syncros, hubs and bearings for nearly 18 months. I dread the idea of doing it again as I felt some of the parts were very lucky finds due to mis-labelling.
As Eric has mentioned before, it ends up stripping several gearboxes and selecting the best bits to make one good one.
VX HPE (resto started Sept ‘21) Beta Saloon 2.0l s2 1979 (completed July 2020) Beta coupé VX (completed April 2017)
« Reply #81 on: August 03, 2021, 08:01:58 PM » |
A little bit more progress this afternoon.
The distributor has been annoying me for some time as one of the cap clips was fouling on the inlet manifold. So I rotated to TDC, marked where the rotor arm points to, whipped it out and refitted it so that the longer of the two cap clips is now facing the rear. Perfect. Reset the timing, fettled the mixture screw, one test drive and all's good.
1984 2.0 Carb HPE [ex Aus] Grigio Finanza. 2007 Mazda 6 2.3 [current daily, highly recommended] The past: 1980 2.0 HPE White in South Africa [hope it survives!] 1976 1.6 Coupe Lancia Blu [PFG 76R] [probably deceased] oh,and an Uno Turbo 1997 also in SA [stolen,never recovered]
« Reply #82 on: August 13, 2021, 11:28:42 PM » |
More progress. During the past few days I've changed the other 3 wheel bearings.
I found it really difficult to hear the bearings as my car is quite noisy,[ stainless exhaust] and there wasn't really any visible wear inside the old bearings. However, a rumble was evident on all of them during disassembly.
The drive is now noticeably quieter.
1984 2.0 Carb HPE [ex Aus] Grigio Finanza. 2007 Mazda 6 2.3 [current daily, highly recommended] The past: 1980 2.0 HPE White in South Africa [hope it survives!] 1976 1.6 Coupe Lancia Blu [PFG 76R] [probably deceased] oh,and an Uno Turbo 1997 also in SA [stolen,never recovered]
« Reply #83 on: August 15, 2021, 08:56:50 AM » |
Nice work Nigel.
( thumbs up )
1972 Honda cub 1984 Silver 2000i HPE 2005 Opel Vectra ( everyday )
« Reply #84 on: August 20, 2021, 02:56:02 PM » |
I took the hpe to Brands hatch last weekend, and although she ran fairly sweetly I felt it was a little rich, especially during initial cold running.
Leaning the mixture screw has improved it. Probably a good move anyway as I took it for its 2nd MOT [in my time] this morning.
It passed with a couple of advisories, outer headlamps poor pattern, OSR shock misty leak, and a small screen chip. The CO test was 1.046 compared to a max of 4.500, a great result. Credits to Ian squiglyzigly for the work he did on jetting sizes.
The leaking shock was a surprise as I'd been under there last week doing the wheel bearing. It must have popped during the trip to Brands.
No matter as all the shocks are on the radar to be changed in the near future along with the springs.
The headlamps were also mentioned last year. I have the Siem variety at present, and the outers are slightly rusty. If anyone has a pair of as-new spares I'll willingly remove them from your storage.
1984 2.0 Carb HPE [ex Aus] Grigio Finanza. 2007 Mazda 6 2.3 [current daily, highly recommended] The past: 1980 2.0 HPE White in South Africa [hope it survives!] 1976 1.6 Coupe Lancia Blu [PFG 76R] [probably deceased] oh,and an Uno Turbo 1997 also in SA [stolen,never recovered]
« Reply #85 on: October 14, 2021, 05:24:34 PM » |
The rear of the car had been up on stands for 2 weeks during some wet weather and when I climbed in to drive it last weekend after I'd replace the rear shocks...horror, the passenger seat was soaked, as was the carpet.
This was the first time I'd seen any evidence of a sunroof leak. I had previously cleaned out, or thought I did, the front drain tubes. Clearly, this didn't work. I took the seat out, now indoors and dry, and poured a generous amount of absorbent granules on the areas of wet carpet. They're doing a fine job so far, I'll pull out the wet stuff and replace with dried-out grit over this weekend. I should have a dry car soon.
And I'll get to doing the tube clearing job again, with a longer prodder this time.
1984 2.0 Carb HPE [ex Aus] Grigio Finanza. 2007 Mazda 6 2.3 [current daily, highly recommended] The past: 1980 2.0 HPE White in South Africa [hope it survives!] 1976 1.6 Coupe Lancia Blu [PFG 76R] [probably deceased] oh,and an Uno Turbo 1997 also in SA [stolen,never recovered]
« Reply #86 on: October 15, 2021, 08:31:17 AM » |
Hi Nigel
An annoying business. I like the using granules idea. I used to use old towels dried in cycles on radiators. These days I use a stack of de humidifier bags dried on radiators between use. These live in the car over winter drawing out the moisture. BTW lift the carpet if you have any of the OE Felt left it holds a huge amount of water against the metal work promoting rust.
« Reply #87 on: October 15, 2021, 11:09:25 AM » |
You make a good point Eric. There's probably original felt in there, so I will. Hindsight says I should have removed the entire carpet earlier on...!
The granules are still sucking, and the first lot are still drying out indoors, so I'll give it a day or so.
Luckily the seat has survived its soaking!
Cheers, Nigel
1984 2.0 Carb HPE [ex Aus] Grigio Finanza. 2007 Mazda 6 2.3 [current daily, highly recommended] The past: 1980 2.0 HPE White in South Africa [hope it survives!] 1976 1.6 Coupe Lancia Blu [PFG 76R] [probably deceased] oh,and an Uno Turbo 1997 also in SA [stolen,never recovered]
« Reply #88 on: October 15, 2021, 12:22:28 PM » |
If the car is pointing down hill, or is nose down on stands/ramps, even clear drain tubes can be overwhelmed by a heavy bout of rain. Happened on my 2000ie Coupe.
« Reply #89 on: October 18, 2021, 06:50:27 PM » |
Thanks Neil, good to point that out, and as it happens, my drain tubes may not be as wide as factory because this is an after-market [electric] roof fitted in Australia. I wish there was a neat and easy way to get rid of it.
Meantime, look what arrived today! The existing starter has always occasionally malfunctioned, so it's a worthwhile upgrade and very little extra cost over a standard unit.
1984 2.0 Carb HPE [ex Aus] Grigio Finanza. 2007 Mazda 6 2.3 [current daily, highly recommended] The past: 1980 2.0 HPE White in South Africa [hope it survives!] 1976 1.6 Coupe Lancia Blu [PFG 76R] [probably deceased] oh,and an Uno Turbo 1997 also in SA [stolen,never recovered]
« Reply #90 on: October 19, 2021, 09:48:50 AM » |
Very Nice Nigel
With good battery/ alternator connections/wires these are amazing. I have one for my Beta Spider and use one on the Monte
« Reply #91 on: October 19, 2021, 04:35:35 PM » |
I remember Guy Croft giving the US-produced version sold by Auto Ricambi an A+ rating. And anyone who knew GC knew that he was very sparing in his praise. I have one of the US versions ready to fit - as far as I can tell they are identical to the WOSP item, aren't they? Basically a Denso unit with 1.4kw output and reduction gear.
1980 Lancia Beta Spider 2000 (S2FL) 2002 VW Transporter T4 2017 KTM Duke 690R 2008 Aprilia SL1000 Falco 1992 Ducati 888 SP3 1988 Honda VFR750F 1980 Yamaha RD350LC
« Reply #92 on: October 23, 2021, 11:03:16 PM » |
I fitted the new starter motor today and it's great. Spins the engine much quicker. I am, however, going to re-cable the battery/alternator wiring as Eric suggested. There was an aftermarket relay fitted to the original starter, is this still a good idea?
I lifted the carpet on the pax side and indeed found very sodden felt, so the entire carpet is coming out to remove all that and replace with modern non-absorbent sound deadening.
I'd like to replace the carpet with something new, as it's seen better days. Possibly something with 4-way stretch that can mould around the corners? Anyone done this?
Cheers all, Nige
1984 2.0 Carb HPE [ex Aus] Grigio Finanza. 2007 Mazda 6 2.3 [current daily, highly recommended] The past: 1980 2.0 HPE White in South Africa [hope it survives!] 1976 1.6 Coupe Lancia Blu [PFG 76R] [probably deceased] oh,and an Uno Turbo 1997 also in SA [stolen,never recovered]
« Reply #93 on: October 24, 2021, 12:40:51 AM » |
Hi Nigel, I remember the Project Binky guys recommending this stuff (which is why I saved it as a bookmark)... https://www.woolies-trim.co.uk/product/2057/hi-flex-lining-carpet-blackGraham
1980 Lancia Beta Spider 2000 (S2FL) 2002 VW Transporter T4 2017 KTM Duke 690R 2008 Aprilia SL1000 Falco 1992 Ducati 888 SP3 1988 Honda VFR750F 1980 Yamaha RD350LC
« Reply #94 on: October 24, 2021, 08:25:24 AM » |
Hi Nigel keep the relay it protects the Cr*p ignition switch. I used Dynamat Foam for my Beta Spyder. In reality something sound proofing and not absorbent that is not stupidly heavy (avoid lead lined stuff) or really expensive will do.
Hi Graham WOSP have upgraded the motor units on recent versions of their starter and I think it now has a higher rated motor. Your reduction gear item will be good.
IMHO it is just not worth using the Old Starter motors even after a re-furb.
After all failing to start is such a PITA
« Reply #95 on: October 24, 2021, 09:35:44 AM » |
Graham, Eric, thanks.
I'd seen that Binky episode too, and then forgot where I'd seen it.
Cheers, N.
1984 2.0 Carb HPE [ex Aus] Grigio Finanza. 2007 Mazda 6 2.3 [current daily, highly recommended] The past: 1980 2.0 HPE White in South Africa [hope it survives!] 1976 1.6 Coupe Lancia Blu [PFG 76R] [probably deceased] oh,and an Uno Turbo 1997 also in SA [stolen,never recovered]
« Reply #96 on: October 24, 2021, 04:28:45 PM » |
I've stripped the interior and very glad I did as the felt underneath was sodden in three out of four wells. The sunroof is probably responsible with inadequate drainage its whole life.
I'd like to to something better with the wiring on both sides. It's held in place with a non-setting mastic-type goo, and masking tape. Are they all like this? There is a channel running down the top of each sill which would be a natural place to put them, after taping them up. However this channel has what look like drain holes all the way along. If I stop the water getting in, this is my preferred option.
1984 2.0 Carb HPE [ex Aus] Grigio Finanza. 2007 Mazda 6 2.3 [current daily, highly recommended] The past: 1980 2.0 HPE White in South Africa [hope it survives!] 1976 1.6 Coupe Lancia Blu [PFG 76R] [probably deceased] oh,and an Uno Turbo 1997 also in SA [stolen,never recovered]
« Reply #97 on: October 24, 2021, 08:21:40 PM » |
Might the "drain holes" be for locating harness clips or would that be just too good to be true?
1995 Dedra 2.0 16v SW 1987 Y10 Fire 1977 Beta Spider 1.6 1962 Flaminia Berlina 2.5
« Reply #98 on: October 24, 2021, 09:50:57 PM » |
There was an aftermarket relay fitted to the original starter, is this still a good idea?
Cheers all, Nige
Hi Nigel, How was the aftermarket relay wired in? Sounds like a good idea (as Eric says) to protect the ignition switch. Graham
1980 Lancia Beta Spider 2000 (S2FL) 2002 VW Transporter T4 2017 KTM Duke 690R 2008 Aprilia SL1000 Falco 1992 Ducati 888 SP3 1988 Honda VFR750F 1980 Yamaha RD350LC
« Reply #99 on: October 24, 2021, 10:21:12 PM » |
Hi Graham, It was cabled-tied to the battery cable right next to the starter. It had an earth wire connected to the bottom of the gearshift stirrup, and a live from the positive starter terminal. The ign wire was simply routed to the relay instead of to the solenoid. It worked fine but was a messy solution.
For the re-install I'm going to use the unused relay/fuse box on the left inner wing that used to run the air-con system. I'll just run a new longer wire from the new solenoid connection to the relay box. Pos and neg are all there.
Frank, who knows! Maybe.
Cheers, N.
1984 2.0 Carb HPE [ex Aus] Grigio Finanza. 2007 Mazda 6 2.3 [current daily, highly recommended] The past: 1980 2.0 HPE White in South Africa [hope it survives!] 1976 1.6 Coupe Lancia Blu [PFG 76R] [probably deceased] oh,and an Uno Turbo 1997 also in SA [stolen,never recovered]