Hello everyone, brand new member and first ever post and it's feels good to be amongst people who have the same quirky leftfield thought pattern as me.
Ok, I've got a 2000 saloon which i've never yet attempted to start so I'm not sure if the problem I have with my Coupe and HPE will be the same but both the 1600 coupe and 1600 HPE are suffering from starting issues which i'm pretty sure is from a fuel pick up issue.
I've bought a replacement fuel pump and although the vendor assured me it was the correct mechanical pump it clearly is not.
Has anyone suffered the same fuel pick up problems? Would I be wiser to update to an electric fuel pump?
For originality I'd like to keep the original mechanical pump but if there is no cure then I'm prepared to go to the electric alternative.
Oh the HPE is a 77 model and the coupe is 76.
The HPE is roadworthy though not restored, the coupe is possibly years away from running.