This is my most unfavorite job !
Remove the hub nut (Blood. seat, swearing and a chisel required)
Disconnect the suspension from the hub carrier
Disconnect the steering arm tie rod.
The drive shaft should just then slide out with a bit of wiggling.
Hold the outer CV staight, i.e. in line with the drive shaft, if its not straight you'll struggle with the next bit!! Then have to give it a sharp whack (I use either a rubber mallet) there is a circlip that sites in a groove and stops the shaft from simply pulling out of the outer CV, thats what you trying to overcome.
Change the CV boot, refitting is the reverse.
I had to do this job on a Renault Espace last year and I went for the universal split boot that you glue once fitted. Worked a treat and took 1/4 of the time because I did not have to dismantle one corner of the car.
Hub nut torque = " F tight "

- Will check tonight when home as in the office today, unless someone else has access to the manual.