Welcome to the Lancia Beta Forum
The Lancia Beta Forum, a.k.a. BetaBoyz was started in November 2002 by a group of Lancia Motor Club (UK) members who are Lancia Beta enthusiasts. It is an interest group whose core purpose is to help Beta owners keep their cars on the road by:
1. Providing a forum for owners and prospective owners to find and exchange information.
2. Assisting to identify sources of hard to find spare parts.
3. Promoting awareness of the Beta within the classic car arena.
We can say that it has been a success and, with encouragement from other members, given many owners the assistance and motivation to invest thier time, money and effort in the future of their Beta. As the membership grew during 2003, we started attending events and became known as BetaBoyz.
About the same time, a small number of us started to source and reproduce a few parts. This started with Polyurethane suspension bushes, then the washer reservoir for RHD/LHD Volumex and Injection Coupes/HPEs and has continued to grow. This grew and later became
www.LanciaBetaParts.co.uk which is run by Mark Wastnidge and is a seperate entity from this forum (Mark Wastnidge on this forum)
If you want to contribute towards keeping our beloved cars on the road then
REGISTER WITH Lancia Beta Forum NOW!
All we ask is NO RUBBISH & NO FOUL LANGUAGE, this is a friendly Beta only zone.
Many thanks,
The Administration Team,