thread revival!!
As some one on the forums asked about this an update on a dead thread. The volumex boot spoiler is made of moulded rubber with a metal stiffener in the base, the rubber appears to become porous once the outer surface has worn in use and this leads to damp attacking the stiffener which is mild steel, this then rusts and expands causing the spoiler to distort and crack. The stiffener is a pressed strip moulded into the bottom of the spoiler and can actually be cut away from the main moulding. You need a sharp knife to do it but it is possible to cut and peel back the rubber and then extract the original stiffener. As a replacement I bought some alloy strip narrower than the original from B&Q (but no doubt other DIY shops would have something similar). This was cut to approximately the same length as the original
but remember that the spoiler rubber tends to shrink a little so the strip needs to be fitted in such a way that it stretches it back a little bit . I cut a second strip a bit shorter than the first the two strips fitting in the area left by the original stiffener. On the original spoiler it was fitted to the bootlid with self tapping screws or something similar, I decided to do the opposite and fit captive threads to the spoiler stiffening strip. I bought some stainless steel bolts of a suitable size for the holes in the bootlid and matching nuts and drilled the longer strip at the relevant points. I then fitted the long strip/stiffener into the spoiler rubber pushing the screw heads into the old holes for the original screw fittings. I fitted the other shorter strip then made some rough cut short pieces of strip which i drilled and fitted over the bolts and temporarily bolted in place. these were used to hold the second strip clamped in position.I then sealed it over with black silicone I used a relatively slow setting product used for roofing repair that I bought from Lidl. I sealed the critical sections first clamping the strip into place then after it had cured sealed the remainder having removed the temporary clamps. The end result is not perfect but is pretty good pictures to follow if I can find any sorry if explanation is hazy but I did this a year ago and gave up on the post due to apparent lack of interest
I'll do some pics of the end product when I have time!
notice that the holes in the strip are angled to match the slight curve in the bootlid lip
that's a Lester spoiler just behind it in one of the pictures by the way sorry it's an old photo I realise it looks a bit confusing but I don't have another of the half finished repair