Title: HPE HEATER CABLE Post by: spud on October 06, 2010, 09:51:14 AM Hi all,
My previous post on interior trim bits generated zero replies :( so I don't hold out much hope on this one but... The pic in the link below shows the end of my heater control cable. This is located on the right hand side of the centre console, to the left of your shins if you were sat in the drivers seat of a right hand drive car. This is the other end of the cable that has the red square/blue square icons on the slider. It is meant to connect to the lever that is right in front of it. I can move the lever by hand- I assume it controls the heater. Does anyone have the fitting that would be attached to the end of the cable to allow it to control the lever? Thanks in hope... Andrew. http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/FFDyqnpc1LdUfOK7nTlDonWulYf22C1mq-i_F8BElsU?feat=directlink (http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/FFDyqnpc1LdUfOK7nTlDonWulYf22C1mq-i_F8BElsU?feat=directlink) Title: Re: HPE HEATER CABLE Post by: thecolonel on October 06, 2010, 12:03:23 PM Hi,
what do you have on the end of the cable (just the bare inner pull cable ?) do you have the screw and clip that holds the outer cable to the heater box ? Geoff Title: Re: HPE HEATER CABLE Post by: spud on October 06, 2010, 12:14:03 PM Hi Geoff,
The cable is just bare ended. It ends at a sharp right-angle as though it would've been attached to something. Andrew. Title: Re: HPE HEATER CABLE Post by: TonyLanciaBeta on October 06, 2010, 12:58:56 PM Hi Andrew
I've just removed the dash out of a VX HPE i'm breaking, will have a look after work and report back Tony Title: Re: HPE HEATER CABLE Post by: thecolonel on October 06, 2010, 07:18:59 PM I've got the small white clip which the cable hooks into (it's off a Gamma but it looks correct)
do you need the outer cable securing clip/screw as well ? Geoff Title: Re: HPE HEATER CABLE Post by: TonyLanciaBeta on October 06, 2010, 08:25:52 PM Is this the one Andrew? If so pm me your address and I'll pop it in the post
(http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4147/5057284069_eca2799efb_b.jpg) (http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4131/5058058920_34a3bf9e7b_z.jpg) Title: Re: HPE HEATER CABLE Post by: spud on October 06, 2010, 09:55:00 PM Geoff,
Thanks for your replies mate- very much appreciated. I think Tony has the exact Beta bit though. Is this the one Andrew? If so pm me your address and I'll pop it in the post Tony, Aha! That is indeed the one! Thank you so much for that- pm sent. Cheers guys! Andrew. Title: Re: HPE HEATER CABLE Post by: thecolonel on October 06, 2010, 10:12:15 PM No problem, we're all here to help each other.
Title: Re: HPE HEATER CABLE Post by: TonyLanciaBeta on October 06, 2010, 10:25:01 PM in the post ;) , as Geoff said were all here to help :D