Title: Beta/Classic & Sports Car Magazine. Post by: tonylanciabeta on November 30, 2008, 06:32:19 PM From: TonyLanciaBeta (Original Message) Sent: 28/03/2007 22:27
Beta's in the press: Classic and Sports Car Magazine did a photo shoot on Monday 5 Beta's: HPE, Spider, Saloon, Coupe and a Monte Talking to Russ Smith who's doing the article, it should be a 7 page, 2000 word article on the Beta range, not sure which issue yet, will update when we get details. Will be great for Lancia Beta to get in such a prestige mag. I've uploaded a couple of my pic's on: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tonysphotos/ Cheers Tony From: Bowjm Sent: 01/04/2007 21:26 Beta Boyz are keen to raise the profile of the Beta as much as possible, especially with 2007 being the 35th anniversary year. Our view is that the more interest there is in the model, the more Betas will survive and the more viable parts projects will become! Russ Smith, who is writing the piece for Classic & Sports Car magazine, is very pro-Beta and responded very positively when I approached him. Luckily it was possible to get hold of the full range of Betas including a Monte well in advance of the photo shoot. But finding fresh vehicles can be a challenge... Can I appeal to all Beta owners to contact us if they would like their vehicle featured in future magazine articles or at forthcoming shows. If you have a car that is good enough, and if you are prepared to take the time to get your vehicle to a location, please contact me on bowjm@hotmail.com. Next time it could be your car that becomes the star! John From: A1-6HPE Sent: 01/04/2007 23:42 Wot - no Trevi ??? Hope they mention it at least. Just been to Harrogate (and back). Leo :-) From: Bowjm Sent: 02/04/2007 22:22 Ooops. Sorry Leo, no Trevi However, we are considering a Trevi for the NEC Classic Motor Show. It goes without saying we need a prime example. Can you help? From: A1-6HPE Sent: 04/04/2007 18:26 Sadly not "prime condition". Very showable but not to the NEC sort of standard unfortunately :-( Leo From: betabobb Sent: 10/04/2007 09:46 In case you've missed it my VX coupe was featured in another classic car mag this month - Practical Classics. Good write up by their writer who is obviously a fan. Rob |