Title: mot pass at first attempt/fail rates 2007 Post by: rossocorsa on January 13, 2010, 08:00:50 PM http://www.vosa.gov.uk/vosa/contactus/freedomofinformationdisclosures/vosaresponsestofoirequests2010/vosaresponsestofoirequests2010.htm (http://www.vosa.gov.uk/vosa/contactus/freedomofinformationdisclosures/vosaresponsestofoirequests2010/vosaresponsestofoirequests2010.htm) interesting this!! data is a bit clunky but it shows the relative number of active betas and other lancias in 2007 as it only indicates first time passes as a pass so number of passes plus number of fails = number of that model in use. Title: Re: mot pass at first attempt/fail rates 2007 Post by: lanciamad on January 13, 2010, 08:23:48 PM Good find! ;)
205 Beta's in 2007 then? Some may have not been saved or re-tested, so call it around 150 on the roads that year, hmmm :-\ cant say I saw one except at shows/events. Title: Re: mot pass at first attempt/fail rates 2007 Post by: rossocorsa on January 13, 2010, 08:29:02 PM apparently only two trevis but of course some might have been registered as beta trevi and appeared in the beta list there will be a few anomalies no doubt, will be sad but interesting to see the 2009 or 2010 results after the carnage of our motoring heritage by the ill thought out motor dealers benevolent fund ...oops I meant scrappage scheme
Title: Re: mot pass at first attempt/fail rates 2007 Post by: rossocorsa on January 13, 2010, 09:10:21 PM there seem to be some anomalies as not all make/models are covered and some years are missing for instance no early betas presumably due to the way they are listed on older V5s also I suspect that if the car was presented for MOT twice, the second time outside the official mot retest limit, it might count twice. I suspect that a lot of more common place cars have reduced substantially in volume in the last 3 years