Lancia Beta Forum

Technical stuff => Electrical => Topic started by: spyder_resto on June 30, 2024, 10:22:03 PM

Title: No Spark - Please Help!
Post by: spyder_resto on June 30, 2024, 10:22:03 PM
Hi Everyone
Apologies if this has been asked but I could not see an answer in previous posts and I am scratching my head.
My Beta Spider 2.0 is turning over but will not start.

Here is what I have done so far:
- ignition switch work does work and turns engine over.
- checked I have power at the metal connector attached to body that has wires connected to coil
- have power to coil at the coil terminals with small nuts where wires are connected
- new HT leads
- new ignition coil
- new rotor arm and distributor cap

Engine turns over quickly but will not start!
Car is being started after a long time and even with Easy Start does not start up.
I have used a spark plug tester and getting no spark on any cylinder.

Any thoughts or advice would be welcomed!

Many thanks


Title: Re: No Spark - Please Help!
Post by: peteracs on June 30, 2024, 10:40:06 PM

Electronic or points distributor?


Title: Re: No Spark - Please Help!
Post by: spyder_resto on July 01, 2024, 07:47:35 AM
Electronic distributor

Title: Re: No Spark - Please Help!
Post by: Ammy on July 01, 2024, 08:25:00 AM
I had a similar problem on my Spider, only intermittent. After much frustration, I found the L.T. lead to the distributor had a break in the insulation where it entered the distributor body, probably from constant rubbing. Very difficult to see !!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: No Spark - Please Help!
Post by: Neil-yaj396 on July 01, 2024, 10:02:40 AM
Faulty electronic ignition unit?

Title: Re: No Spark - Please Help!
Post by: JohnFol on July 01, 2024, 11:45:45 AM
Did you replace all of those parts as a way of diagnosing an existing fault? If it worked before then you have the option of substituting parts back in, i.e. go back to original coil, try original cap . .

Also thinking if you disconnect the HT between coil and distributor (at the cap end) you could place the exposed connection near the engine block and look for it arcing when you crank. Might help identify if it's LT / HT vs something distributor onwards...

Title: Re: No Spark - Please Help!
Post by: stableblock on July 01, 2024, 04:12:44 PM
I would check the connections on the ballast resistor if you have one.  These seem prone to failure.

Title: Re: No Spark - Please Help!
Post by: millieman on July 02, 2024, 01:11:48 AM
Change the coil, some new coils just don't work.

Title: Re: No Spark - Please Help!
Post by: peteracs on July 02, 2024, 07:52:59 AM
If you have a ballast resistor you will need the 1.5 Ohm coil, not the 2.5 one from memory, however surprised you do not get any spark due to that.


Title: Re: No Spark - Please Help!
Post by: JohnFol on July 10, 2024, 07:56:39 PM
Hi Simon, how is the diagnosis going?

Title: Re: No Spark - Please Help!
Post by: spyder_resto on July 13, 2024, 06:02:43 AM
hi Everyone
Thanks for the replies.
I bought the coil from Mark at Betaboyz as well as cap and rotor arm so i am pretty sure they are all the right parts.
We did swap new parts back to the old ones but there was no difference.
Speaking to H& H ignition and few other people i think the only two remaining possibilities are the ignition unit or distributor so I am planning to take those both off and give them to H&H ignition for diagnosis and repair as necessary.
We will see where we are after that.
Plan is to get parts of car  this week so I will update in due course.,