Title: Mark W's 'short throw' gear change kit Post by: mangocrazy on October 17, 2022, 01:50:50 PM I noticed on Facebook that Mark W had some kits to make the gear change throw shorter, and as this has always been a pet peeve of mine I grabbed one while they were hot. As far as I could tell, only one kit was required for an S2FL (which my Spider is) so that's all I ordered. The kit arrived today, along with instructions, but I'm less than clear on a few points.
Has anyone fitted this kit to an S2FL, and if so do you have any pointers? Also am I correct in assuming that one kit is sufficient to do the conversion on an S2FL? Lastly I'd like to hear any views on how much of an improvement it makes. Title: Re: Mark W's 'short throw' gear change kit Post by: Clifford on October 17, 2022, 03:05:19 PM I am also considering this based on the few favourable comments I have heard on the kit.
Although I don't find the gearstick a particularly long throw, I tend to just consider how it is as a part of the car's character. However, if it makes it even more fun to drive then I may go for it and so would be interested in hearing people's views please. Thanks C Title: Re: Mark W's 'short throw' gear change kit Post by: Nigel on October 17, 2022, 06:19:58 PM Hi Graham,
I've got it fitted. It reduces the throw, I think, by around an inch in the north/south plane. Less difference left to right, adjustment is a bit more critical on the vertical stay. I didn't fully appreciate the difference until I drove Peters Spider recently, now I do! As an additional mod, I bent the stick back a bit as well, fits me better. Nigel Title: Re: Mark W's 'short throw' gear change kit Post by: mangocrazy on October 17, 2022, 10:48:20 PM Hi Graham, I've got it fitted. It reduces the throw, I think, by around an inch in the north/south plane. Less difference left to right, adjustment is a bit more critical on the vertical stay. I didn't fully appreciate the difference until I drove Peters Spider recently, now I do! As an additional mod, I bent the stick back a bit as well, fits me better. Nigel Hi Nigel, Thanks for that. So it's a 'noticeable' difference , but not 'night and day', then? Pardon my forgetfulness, but what 'generation' is your Beta? I'm a bit confused by how the kit is supposed to affect different vintages of Beta. It's not something I'm about to do immediately, but will be added to the list of stuff to do once the vehicle is repatriated. Cheers, Graham Title: Re: Mark W's 'short throw' gear change kit Post by: peteracs on October 18, 2022, 08:17:56 AM Hi Graham
As I was the other party in the car swap, I can confirm that the difference is noticeable and for me a very positive experience, to that end I have just purchased a kit. My understanding is that that from S2 onwards the original throw is the same, it is the earlier cars where it is different and I assume longer. Peter Title: Re: Mark W's 'short throw' gear change kit Post by: mangocrazy on October 18, 2022, 11:04:23 AM Hi Peter,
OK, I think I get it now. As I understand it, any car from S2 onwards (which includes your 1600 HPE) has the same standard throw on the gearshift and Mark's kit will make that throw noticeably shorter. I'm sure that once all the gearshift components are off the car that all will become clearer. It also sounds like photos should be taken at all steps of the strip down for reference and head-scratching purposes later on in the rebuild... Graham Title: Re: Mark W's 'short throw' gear change kit Post by: Nigel on October 18, 2022, 06:35:45 PM Hi Graham,
Mines an 84. When I collected the kit from Mark at the NEC last year he included a Trevi gear lever which has a different swivel socket i.e. the mounting 'plate' is at the bottom of the ball, as opposed to mine where the plate is central to the ball. It appears that I used the Trevi ball plate during the kit fitting but I can't remember why. Peter, It would be most interesting if you compared your two gear levers, late Coupe and Early HPE. I wish I'd taken more pics at the time of course. Title: Re: Mark W's 'short throw' gear change kit Post by: peteracs on October 22, 2022, 05:17:07 PM Hi Nigel
I will take a look at both and let you know. Peter |