Title: "Dancing" Speedo Post by: The_Matrix_Master on September 11, 2022, 05:36:40 PM The speedometer on my spyder has started to become erratic I think the term is dancing were its just jumping up and down frantically between 20 and 40 mph and cant get the speedo to read above 50
Is this likely to be a cable issue or a speedometer itself? Title: Re: "Dancing" Speedo Post by: JohnFol on September 11, 2022, 05:59:46 PM Same as mine when I first had it. Cable could have just come loose so just follow it in engine bay down to gear box. If it's not obviously loose, unscrew it from gearbox and spin by hand. That should give you an idea if it's the cable or not.
Title: Re: "Dancing" Speedo Post by: The_Matrix_Master on September 11, 2022, 08:36:34 PM Cheers for that
Hope it's just the cable easier to fix than removing the speedometer Title: Re: "Dancing" Speedo Post by: flex on September 11, 2022, 08:51:05 PM It's possible to run the cable from the gearbox end with a drill (thus checking that end of things). With our IE, it is either speedo or cable, I ran as much penetrating oil as I could into the cable to hopefully lubricate the it with little improvement. This was a 5 minute job with the car already over a pit: I haven't got around to looking at the dash end...