Title: Cambelt temperature Post by: Gerke123 on June 02, 2022, 05:05:54 PM Hello,
What should the right temperature be for the cambelts after a normal drive? - Gerke Title: Re: Cambelt temperature Post by: peteracs on June 02, 2022, 05:22:36 PM Hi Gerke
Just wondering if you have the right word as there is only one cambelt, but two camshafts? Sorry to have ask, but just want to clarify as the cambelt temp is an unusual one to ask. Peter Title: Re: Cambelt temperature Post by: Gerke123 on June 02, 2022, 05:34:34 PM Hello Peter
You are right, i meant the timing belt, so not the right words I'm asking this because ours gets very warm to the point you almost can't touch it, we also didn't is see any wear or tear on the belt either But it's probably alright anyways, i just began to touch the timing belt because there was this odd smell coming under the hood but it's probably because everything is new - Gerke Title: Re: Cambelt temperature Post by: Nigel on June 02, 2022, 06:37:06 PM Hi Gerke,
My only thought is that maybe the belt is too tight. I don't know how to describe the correct tension though. Nigel Title: Re: Cambelt temperature Post by: Gerke123 on June 05, 2022, 11:05:37 AM Thanks for the response Nigel,
After having driven the car for a while, it seems like everything is still fine, the smell is gone and still no signs of wear on the belt either - Gerke |