Title: Rear strut adaptation Post by: archigraphe on February 24, 2022, 09:18:29 AM Hello All. I have to adapt rear hpe strut To fit insert in it. Can you indicate me where I have to cut the strut ?
I lost the betaboyz post who mention it. May be Mark can show me?? Than to all. Title: Re: Rear strut adaptation Post by: Nigel on February 24, 2022, 11:23:43 PM I've not done this yet, but:
I'd cut the top cap off leaving as much material as possible. You can then remove the existing insert. Clean it out, and insert the new shock. With your new weld-on bits to hand, you'll be able to measure exactly where to trim the pipe so that you achieve the correct position. You'll want to have the screw-down part mostly in the collar, but of course without going in too far. [I haven't seen the kit, so i'm not familiar with how the two parts fit together] I'm sure someone will amend this if necessary. I'll be watching your progress, please keep us updated! Regards, Nigel |