Title: Alarming Post by: WestonE on February 21, 2022, 03:00:34 PM Fellow Beta Owners
I am involved in the installation of a Cat1 Thatcham Alarm Immobilizer and today learnt why CAT1 alarms are installed in metal housings. I thought it was about the alarm being ripped out of the car, but to my surprise apparently the thieving scum carry rare earth magnets to trip the immobilizer relays inside the alarm to stop them immobilizing. So if you have fitted an alarm immobilizer without the metal box housing and it is easy to get at using violence (car thieves only care about themselves) then it will not be much use. I hope this insight helps someone not to lose their car. PS Trackers in roof linings and door pillar box sections are found first because installers are lazy. I got my BMW back because mine was not in the roof lining the scum tore apart. Enjoy Eric Title: Re: Alarming Post by: Nigel on February 21, 2022, 11:03:32 PM Thanks Eric, useful info. |