Title: Trevi info wanted Post by: peteracs on September 04, 2020, 09:04:56 PM Hi All
Maybe one for Theo? I received an email via the LMC forum (also posting there) for information re the Trevi as follows, I can provide email address if you have any relevant info. Peter Original email Thank you very much. I know someone who is (quietly) mad keen on Trevis, and they commented recently there is practically nothing available about its history, so I’d quite like to find something for them. My research has unearthed who designed the dashboard and that there was a twin-engined version, but little beyond that. I would think the Trevi was developed on a tight budget and wasn’t a huge seller, but there’s surprisingly little background information. If anyone does know anything more, I’d be very grateful to receive further details. All the best, Charles. Also I’ve been searching for some information about the Lancia Trevi - initial drawings, prototype pictures - that sort of thing. Would you know if anyone has such information? I’ve tried contacting FCA Heritage in Italy, but drew a blank. I also tried contacting your Club Secretary, but got a bounce-back to my email. If you could help me, I’d greatly appreciate it. Best regards, Charles Kirk Loughborough Title: Re: Trevi info wanted Post by: Neil-yaj396 on September 06, 2020, 10:26:34 AM La Lancia skimps a bit on the Trevi and Brian Long's collectors guide perhaps rightly incorporates it's development with the late saloon. The LMC Beta journal devotes 6 pages including an authoritative Autocar article (possibly available from the LMC library?).
I doubt any factory drawings etc. remain. They will be with the FCA museum if they do. |