Title: Beta forum emails spam problem with Yahoo Post by: squiglyzigly on July 29, 2017, 04:13:28 PM Being a bit backward with this interweb device, I was wondering if someone could advise me how to stop my Yahoo email client from putting every email I receive from this forum straight into the spam folder.
I've tried marking each individual email I find as 'not spam' but every new email from the forum still goes into spam. It's driving me nuts as I have to keep remembering to check spam folders manually before they get automatically deleted and lost for good. Title: Re: Beta forum emails spam problem with Yahoo Post by: peteracs on July 29, 2017, 05:31:51 PM Hi
No idea on Yahoo, but problem is likely due to the server used by the forum having a temporary status of having sent spam, I have had this with my ISP. Are there any settings available to generally allow mail from certain addresses to be permitted, rather than labelling each one? Peter Title: Re: Beta forum emails spam problem with Yahoo Post by: squiglyzigly on August 01, 2017, 01:24:42 PM Hi Peter, there are no settings I can find within Yahoo or via any Yahoo apps that allow me to enter safe sender addresses or domains that I can find. It only lets me remove them one at a time from my spam folder but this makes no difference to any future emails I will receive.
I've had a quick look around the usual web search engines but not found anything useful. I'll keep trying, meantime I'll have to check my spam more regularly. Thanks for your help Ian |