Title: Rear top fasteners on Spyder Post by: peteracs on October 06, 2016, 06:07:48 AM Hi All
I installed my new top finally yesterday after it sitting in the house for many years.... Not my finest hour and would get a must do better on the school report, but I think acceptable. The issue I have is that when I tension it the clips will latch, but instantly unlatch on release, do I really need to have the small leather strap to hold them or am I doing something wrong? Peter Title: Re: Rear top fasteners on Spyder Post by: Hawk on October 06, 2016, 12:50:11 PM I don't think that there is a difference between S1 and S2 hoods and that being the case, the leather strap has no bearing on the mechanism.
I always found it easier to clip the roof from the outside. Lift the hood up with door open, locate latch to mount on roof, apply pressure to hood at hood / roof joint and then push back of latch to locate. And repeat on other side. Title: Re: Rear top fasteners on Spyder Post by: peteracs on October 06, 2016, 01:26:18 PM Hi
Yep done all that, the latches go fully home, but then immediately spring open, all very frustrating.... Peter Title: Re: Rear top fasteners on Spyder Post by: Hawk on October 07, 2016, 11:35:07 AM Very strange - maybe there is too much tension on the hood / it has not stretched into place yet?