Title: Vacuum pump required for brake servo ? Post by: lanciamad on August 25, 2015, 09:51:18 AM Looking at possible issues now i'm starting to near the end of a home built throttle bodies setup, are the bike bodies gsxr750's in my case going to be able to supply enough vacuum, to supply map sensor, fuel pressure regulator and brake servo? Or should I look to supply the brake servo via other means such as this... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/12-volt-electric-vacuum-pump-brake-booster-vacuum-pump-12-volt-new-/351048719483?fromMakeTrack=true (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/12-volt-electric-vacuum-pump-brake-booster-vacuum-pump-12-volt-new-/351048719483?fromMakeTrack=true)
Thoughts... Title: Re: Vacuum pump required for brake servo ? Post by: WestonE on August 25, 2015, 11:45:08 AM Marcus
The throttle bodies will provide enough Vacuum in the same way the GC inlet manifold does for twin 45 DCOEs. However expect heavy pulses if you connect to 1 cylinder runner only. Not an issue for the brake servo with the one way valve but you will need a damper for the MAP sensor. sometimes Rolling Roads use a plastic carb fuel filter to do this or a MIG welding nozzle inserted in the pipe to the MAP sensor. Enjoy Eric Title: Re: Vacuum pump required for brake servo ? Post by: thecolonel on August 25, 2015, 06:46:29 PM I have a set of Mikuni carbs from a gxr going spare if required as I've gone for twin weber idf 40s.