Title: The dreaded Fuel smell Post by: angelom on May 11, 2015, 12:04:08 PM Im sure every Beta has it, that dreaded fuel smell. and its a pain to find it too.
I recently found a leaky breather pipe under the fuel tank that was split ever so slightly but none the less leaking after a few tugs, Now the smell has returned after a few months Im thinking to just get all the lines replaced as its really hard to find where its coming from as from the cabin, you don't know if its front or rear? Any suggestions or experiences are welcome. PS: My Beta coupe is a seriesIII 1983 carburettor car, with P/S and A/C Title: Re: The dreaded Fuel smell Post by: peteracs on May 11, 2015, 12:43:03 PM Hi Angelo
Given the comments on other forums I have read, the current petrol mix plays havoc with the old rubber pipes and hence to be safe as much as anything, get them all replaced with decent quality pipes qualified to work with the ethanol mixes you get now. I guess the issue is even more acute for the FI guys where the pressure is higher (I think?) and the chance of fire in the engine bay is not something anyone wants to risk. Peter Title: Re: The dreaded Fuel smell Post by: rossocorsa on May 11, 2015, 01:29:12 PM have you checked the rubber block where the fuel pipes exit the boot area? sometimes the steel pipe rusts where it's covered by the rubber and develops pin holes