Title: Red light charging on Post by: riverhead on May 09, 2015, 10:17:15 PM Hi was just about to nip into village when the red charging light came on when I put on the wipers.
Dimly on when I put on the lights. Is it alternator or regulator and where is the regulator on the 79 spider ? Gotta drive it 100 miles Monday. Better bring a spare battery! Any suggestions? Thanks Huw Title: Re: Red light charging on Post by: tnsmttg on May 09, 2015, 10:42:31 PM Check the voltage at the battery with the engine running and a load such as lights on. Raise the engine revs and look for 12 volts and above.
Title: Re: Red light charging on Post by: rossocorsa on May 09, 2015, 10:47:54 PM This kind of behaviour of the warning light is quite typical, check the charging voltage at the battery if this is ok it is probably more to do with voltage drops due to bad connections than anything.