Title: Security measures Post by: smithymc on July 10, 2014, 04:37:31 PM I don't normally use the Beta if I cant leave it where I can see it, but the time will surely come where I will have to leave it.
Just wondering what were the preferred security methods or products? Mark Title: Re: Security measures Post by: rossocorsa on July 10, 2014, 04:55:46 PM Not sure on a beta but when I had a 2000hf I used to remove the fuel pump relay.
Title: Re: Security measures Post by: smithymc on July 10, 2014, 05:18:01 PM Mines a bit more primitive than that, but I was thinking of taking the coil lead with me when I leave it.
Mark Title: Re: Security measures Post by: peteracs on July 10, 2014, 05:37:33 PM Mines a bit more primitive than that, but I was thinking of taking the coil lead with me when I leave it. Mark Depends on your ignition, but taking the rotor arm out of the distributor is convenient for the pocket and would cause some head scratching methinks... Peter Title: Re: Security measures Post by: droptop on July 10, 2014, 06:21:16 PM I use one of those battery disconnect thingys where you can fully remove the green plastic knob which is attached to the head of a brass bolt that makes the earth connection from the battery.
Not high tech, but unobtrusive and might just prove too much bother for anyone in a hurry to sort. as mine is a spider, there's not a whole lot of security when a lino knife will gain you access in seconds so I'm more interested in making sure the car stays put or someone doesn't switch the lights on while it's parked with the roof down. Title: Re: Security measures Post by: thecolonel on July 10, 2014, 09:02:35 PM Removable steering wheel, locked in boot. Anyone
that looks in will just walk away again. . |