Lancia Beta Forum

General Category => New members => Topic started by: anotherdeadhero on April 04, 2014, 03:39:35 PM

Title: Hi di hi all
Post by: anotherdeadhero on April 04, 2014, 03:39:35 PM


Just bought myself a Beta Volumex Coupe.

I know very little about cars (so I am going to have to learn FAST!), but as a rally navigator I do know a lot of people who know what they're doing.

The Volumex seems to be pretty solid mechanically, but she is going to need a lot of time and money spent getting the cosmetics sorted out.

First jobs are new tyres and all new belts under the bonnet (cam belt was last done 10 years ago, albeit only 160 miles on it, it has to be pretty brittle by now). I've just changed the oil (the Tech thread on oil below was very reassuring) and she is going to need a few bits doing for the MOT which is due next month.

Plan is to drive it around for the summer, then it is off down to one of my drivers (who restores cars part time, in between building our competition vehicles) to have all the rot chopped out, welded, flatted, skimmed and resprayed.

I know of Alfanet Bristol in Easton, anyone know of any other Lancia-freindly garages in the Bristol area?



That is the plan anyway. The Fiance might throttle me when she gets home tomorrow.

Title: Re: Hi di hi all
Post by: rossocorsa on April 04, 2014, 07:13:14 PM
Is that the one that was on eBay? They are great to drive once sorted (although mine has been off the road for 12 years lack of time/ laziness being the main cause!). When you do the belts you must do the tensioners as well, the cam belt tensioner takes a standard size bearing that is readily available from bearing factors and the supercharger belt tensioner also fits some old fiat diesel if you search thus site you should find the details. The supercharger belt fits a fiat diesel too so don't pay exotic prices!
Title: Re: Hi di hi all
Post by: mtulloch on April 05, 2014, 11:00:10 PM
Welcome to the forum.

I think the belts & tensioners are from Fiat Regatta diesels.
Title: Re: Hi di hi all
Post by: mtulloch on April 05, 2014, 11:03:45 PM
Check this out (
Title: Re: Hi di hi all
Post by: anotherdeadhero on April 07, 2014, 10:45:22 AM
Is that the one that was on eBay? They are great to drive once sorted (although mine has been off the road for 12 years lack of time/ laziness being the main cause!). When you do the belts you must do the tensioners as well, the cam belt tensioner takes a standard size bearing that is readily available from bearing factors and the supercharger belt tensioner also fits some old fiat diesel if you search thus site you should find the details. The supercharger belt fits a fiat diesel too so don't pay exotic prices!

Yes, yes it was. It never reached the reserve, the highest bidder made an offer, but never came to collect. I was second highest bidder, so a mate and I went to collect.

Much more cosmetically than I want to be doing, but it'll be a lovely car once sorted.

Fiance isn't currently speaking to me  :-X

Check this out (

Fab! Thank you.
Title: Re: Hi di hi all
Post by: Hawk on April 08, 2014, 12:20:57 PM
Welcome.  And get used to pissing off your other half - either by spending time or money on the Lancia ;)
Title: Re: Hi di hi all
Post by: mtulloch on April 08, 2014, 08:34:55 PM

Fiance isn't currently speaking to me  :-X

Don't worry about that, just remind her that there are more potential fiancé's than VX coupes!
Title: Re: Hi di hi all
Post by: anotherdeadhero on April 14, 2014, 12:20:20 PM

Out for a quick spin in the last of the sunshine yesterday evening. A quick pint and some winding B roads home again.
Fiance says she 'quite likes' the Lancia now.