Title: New Headlight retaining clips Post by: MattNoVAT on May 06, 2013, 09:31:23 AM I was asked a while back who and where I got the headlight retaining clips for my Betas as I had refurbished the back plates and had everything else plated, while I was there I replaced all the brittle clips that set and retain the angle of the bowls. These clips were a direct replacement for the non adjustable version of the headlights, I cannot vouch for cars that are self levelling.
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/261197997832?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/261197997832?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649) I have used this gent for numerous original style fixings and clips without any issue at all. Title: Re: New Headlight retaining clips Post by: VXdeMayo on May 07, 2013, 08:42:37 AM Thanks Matt, that was me. However I have looked quite carefully at these and I am not sure that the threaded bars will go through these as the originals allow? I may be wrong but the HPE style has a four pronged square section white plastic moulding, this has a threaded central hole to allow for pre settup etc.
Any thoughts anyone? Best, Chas. :) Title: Re: New Headlight retaining clips Post by: MattNoVAT on May 07, 2013, 11:49:59 AM Chas,
I'd approach Johf.351 direct via Fleabay, he obviously has access to all manner of trim clips and fasteners etc and will most likely know if the part you are looking for fits other italian marques, if he does not sell them on the auction sites that may just be because there is very little demand for them? I don't know, but I'd certainly follow that lead and see where it takes me. Take some good pics of an original showing the difference and post it on here and I'll do the same so we can compare it to the ones he supplies - randomly I found the set destined to go on the S1 Coupe - miraculous because my garage is utter chaos at the moment! Title: Re: New Headlight retaining clips Post by: VXdeMayo on May 07, 2013, 10:20:51 PM Thanks Matt, will do that.
Best, Chas. ;D Title: Re: New Headlight retaining clips Post by: St Volumex on May 08, 2013, 10:04:47 AM Hi Chas,
I have the square clips in stock, but have stopped making the conical ones for the moment as the processes I'm using creates too many scrap items! :o See https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.450759504941602.124406.418996068117946&type=3#!/photo.php?fbid=450759894941563&set=a.450759504941602.124406.418996068117946&type=3&theater (https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.450759504941602.124406.418996068117946&type=3#!/photo.php?fbid=450759894941563&set=a.450759504941602.124406.418996068117946&type=3&theater) Regards, Guy Title: Re: New Headlight retaining clips Post by: VXdeMayo on May 09, 2013, 09:41:57 AM Dear Guy,
Thanks for your reply. If you have a set of these square clips for a pair of headlamp units (one cars worth) and you can locate them, how much are they to the UK? I have the conical one's already. Also, any luck with the engine mount you were looking for? Here's hoping! Chas and Anne. :) Title: Re: New Headlight retaining clips Post by: St Volumex on May 09, 2013, 11:52:51 AM Dear Chas,
I do indeed have a set of 12 (HPEs with self-levelling headlamps use 10) of the square clips which I will post 1st class Royal Mail to you in the UK for £30. If that's OK please PM me your shipping address. I thought I sent you a PM last week about the Beta engine & gearbox mountings. ??? Anyway, I have been unable to find them amongst the 20 large boxes (read 5 tonnes!) of new original, reproduction, and reconditioned Lancia parts I have in the UK. Unfortunately my shipping agents insisted on re-packing everything that I'd packed neatly and well-organised by mixing them up - in some cases without any wrapping either. :'( Many of these boxes are labelled as one thing, but contain something completely different e.g. a box marked 'Flavia' had Appia parts in it! ::) So perhaps more of my Beta parts may still be in South Africa than I imagine, or even packed in other boxes marked 'Books', but only time will tell... ;D Kind regards, Guy Title: Re: New Headlight retaining clips Post by: VXdeMayo on May 09, 2013, 09:26:32 PM Dear Guy,
Now you've got me confused. I own a 1982 HPE. I have been told and believe that HPE's were normally fitted with SIEM lamps instead of Carello, as the HPE had the self leveling device fitted etc. However both Siem and Carello had the same number of mounting points in total (12) for the 4 lamps. However I suspect that the companies lamps differed slightly in the exact position of those points, so the mounting hardware for each company would also be different. (That would explain the confusion and later retrospective bodging of hardware to get any lamps to fit). However that does not really matter. From the 12 there are 4 "datum steel pivot balljoints", and 2 large holes through which the Siem self leveling bars pass through to link to the lamps. This leaves only 6 which would need the square white threaded inserts (for setting up). Am I correct? (Does anybody else out there know definitively?) It's a shame that you still haven't found the engine mount yet. If you had I would have definetely have had that together with the white inserts. Here's hoping! All the best, Chas and Anne. :) Title: Re: New Headlight retaining clips Post by: St Volumex on May 10, 2013, 05:35:10 AM Dear Chas,
I own a 1981 Beta Spyder and a scrap HPE of more or less the same vintage both with Carello lamps, and a 1986 HPE vx fitted with Siems. Here is a pic of one the Siem lamp brackets with the square clips fitted. These are £2.50 each to you including 1st class postage within the UK. I will keep an eye open for the gearbox mounting for you. Regards, Guy Title: Re: New Headlight retaining clips Post by: VXdeMayo on May 11, 2013, 05:32:04 PM Dear Guy,
Thanks for your picture. I assume that this is the offside one from your car (if they are handed?) If that is the case it is slightly different in hole positions to my Siem? pair. I enclose a picture so you can see. The offside one is on the right, check out the different position of the ball mount, and the "extra" white plastic threaded mounting! When our HPE went through it's MOT our mechanic said try as he may he could not get a good beam pattern on the offside dipped beam lamp. (Lamp looks in very good order and is the correct type! It went through it's MOT though, (but the lighting is useless). Puzzled, Chas and Anne. :) Title: Re: New Headlight retaining clips Post by: St Volumex on May 12, 2013, 07:07:10 AM Dear Chas,
Indeed, the lamp brackets are left and right handed, but mine have been in boxes for so many years pending a proper re-build (clips, lenses, reflectors, etc.) that I now don't know my left from the right anymore. In the interim, my HPE is fitted with a set of Carello lamps MINUS the self levelliing gizmos as these don't work properly either! ;D My HPE VX came to me as an accident write off - the previous owner drove straight OVER a traffic circle in a poorly-lit suburb, helped along by his equally poor headlamps. :o It also had the same lamp brackets fitted to both sides, as the owner probably couldn't find the right parts... ::) Hope this helps, if only as encouragement. |