Title: Normal Service will now be resumed...... Post by: MattNoVAT on April 06, 2013, 05:06:50 PM Normal Admin service will now be resumed as we have now successfully moved home.
My thanks to Tony for shouldering all the admin tasks while I have been moving home, waiting for internet connectivity and home phone, ripping out a 30 year old kitchen and installing a nice new one. Sorting out the heating, plus many other essential tasks. At present I only have one of my Betas with me, more on that later in a separate post, the Series 1 Coupe will follow on soon. I've kept up to date with whats been going on here and I'm pleased to see it's been as friendly and vibrant as ever, but as you may have seen I have only made the occasional post. Title: Re: Normal Service will now be resumed...... Post by: peteracs on April 06, 2013, 06:15:05 PM Hi Matt
Glad things have gone well so far, hope they continue that way for you. Peter Title: Re: Normal Service will now be resumed...... Post by: mangocrazy on April 07, 2013, 12:03:19 AM Glad to hear you (and the kitchen) are successfully installed in France. We're heading down for three weeks of building mayhem at the end of April, so see you in Mr Bricolage...
Title: Re: Normal Service will now be resumed...... Post by: MattNoVAT on April 07, 2013, 09:11:09 AM Hahaha!! Mr Bricolage is our second home it seems, almost daily visits initially but now it's slowed down to every other day or so.
We have definitely made the right move! Title: Re: Normal Service will now be resumed...... Post by: peteracs on April 07, 2013, 12:49:37 PM Hahaha!! Mr Bricolage is our second home it seems, almost daily visits initially but now it's slowed down to every other day or so. We have definitely made the right move! Hi Matt For us it Brico Depot at Nevers, 2 hour round trip, and oh so annoying if you forgot that all important bit...... Peter Title: Re: Normal Service will now be resumed...... Post by: thecolonel on April 07, 2013, 01:57:02 PM Good news that you're settled now. Really hope everything
goes the way you want it. So when do we get the international beta meet ? Title: Re: Normal Service will now be resumed...... Post by: MattNoVAT on April 07, 2013, 06:25:50 PM We are lucky, we have Mr Bricolage, Brico Pro, Brico Depot and LeClerc
So all very convenient - 15 mins to the closest or 25 to the furthest :-) Title: Re: Normal Service will now be resumed...... Post by: mangocrazy on April 07, 2013, 10:29:16 PM My favourite is Bricoman - they seem to have the lowest prices and the widest choice. But they are spread comparatively thinly across France. Mr Bricolage is ubiquitous.
And I definitely like the sound of an International Beta meet. Have you made contact with Squadra Beta yet, Matt? They seem reasonably active. Title: Re: Normal Service will now be resumed...... Post by: MattNoVAT on April 08, 2013, 07:02:12 AM Not yet contacted Squadra Beta as I've been kinda busy with the whole relocation thing and getting the house organised.
Maybe 2014 Beta Meet would be possible..., bit to early to tell at this early on. Title: Re: Normal Service will now be resumed...... Post by: mangocrazy on April 08, 2013, 03:26:12 PM Yes, 2013 might be a bit early for me as well. I'm tentatively planning to bring the Beta back to the UK this autumn for a major program of work (engine & suspension overhaul) with the intention of having it ready for 2014. Time will tell...