Title: stickered up coupe on e-bay Post by: midlife on April 03, 2013, 11:10:28 PM hi, any one know of or seen the coupe in the flesh? interested in buying if in reasonable condition with good mechanics. but worried about private bidders listing as the only seem to do this if they want to bump the bidds up, its 250 miles from me and at best may be able to get to see it sunday if i can finish work early enough!! so any insight would be greatfully recieved. http//www.ebay.co.uk/itm/lancia-beta-coupe-2ltr-twin-cam-/1851115505685?pt=automobiles_uk&hash=item2a2b534c15 hope the listing comes up correct :) best regards jim
Title: Re: stickered up coupe on e-bay Post by: Neil-yaj396 on April 04, 2013, 09:30:43 AM Don't like the rally look myself but the car has certainly had the unattractive but effective early rustproofing as described (hence the black under bonnet area). Worth a punt at the current price for sure.