Title: I might be coming back into the Lancia fold..... in a VX Post by: Betanut on October 29, 2012, 10:20:17 AM OK, this may be a wee bit premature - we'll see ;)
It is now nearly ten years since my much loved VX coupe was sold (much weeping/sobbing etc) but the truth was, back then, I had no garage and used the car as everyday transport. That wasn't fair on the car or more importantly on my bank balance and my marriage so with much sadness the Lancia and I parted company. I suspect that car (DRS654A) is no longer with us..... but another VX coupe I fettled on and off for someone else when I lived in Aberdeenshire has just been offered to me. These days I do have a garage - well, sort of - and could possibly manage the idea of a second car for the 'summer'. Anyway, it's a deal that is very very much in the early stages. If a deal cannot be done I'll probably take on the disposal of the car which, if memory serves (has been 9 years since I saw it last) is about as tidy as a VX possibly can be..... one owner from new, FSH from new, no expense spared, low mileage.... you get the idea. A possible concours car in the making. As they say, watch this space. It would be good to be back in a Beta after a decade of withdrawal symptoms! Hamish 8) Title: Re: I might be coming back into the Lancia fold..... in a VX Post by: rossocorsa on October 29, 2012, 01:17:38 PM In the same time period my vx has just languished in the garage in pieces! So you are still well ahead of me, your old car shows as untaxed since 2003
Title: Re: I might be coming back into the Lancia fold..... in a VX Post by: Betanut on October 30, 2012, 07:55:33 PM Aye, 2003 was when it left me.
I often wonder if it was bought for the engine alone..... it was pretty potent by the time it left my tender care. Amazing what was possible (then) on a limited budget ;) I think the buyer came from Kent, long way to come and collect the car, but I forget his name :( Maybe about time you got that VX of your sorted! ;D Title: Re: I might be coming back into the Lancia fold..... in a VX Post by: rossocorsa on October 30, 2012, 09:51:57 PM Maybe about time you got that VX of your sorted! ;D not much hope of that engine is in bits, subframe out, body in half peeling top coat and half primer, interior removed and I just don't have any spare funds to spend on it......you never know miracles can happen but not this year I'm afraid! |