Title: Is it within the rules? Post by: slowe on September 15, 2012, 10:13:21 PM Hello,
The man who is welding my Beta is soon going to lose his storage and has decicded that he needs to sell 3 or 4 of his Beta Spiders and dispose of a container full of spares. Am I permitted to place basic details and his contact info in the cars for sale and or parts for sale sections? Regards Simon Title: Re: Is it within the rules? Post by: MattNoVAT on September 16, 2012, 06:44:37 AM You can post a single thread with his contact details, and some basic info of the cars, that is permitted.
Title: Re: Is it within the rules? Post by: slowe on September 16, 2012, 09:04:23 PM Thanks Matt. I will get some basic info together.